The Indian Commercial Pilots Association (ICPA) — an Air India pilots' union — has asked pilots to not fly to Goa until certain landing aids are functional.

The union wants the ground-based radar system PAPI (precision approach path indicator) to be fully functional.

The landing aids will be switched off for repair between 9 AM and 1 PM and 3 PM and 7 PM from April 4 to April 30.

The ICPA decided to issue the directive in light of air safety concerns.

The unavailability of PAPI, which indicates the landing path, makes the pilot undertake landings visually. The radar system indicates distance and altitude before touchdown.

The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) had about a week ago issued a notice to airmen (NOTAM) advising all airlines not to operate flights during certain hours in a day to Goa. The NOTAM had warned all airlines not to operate jet aircraft during this period due to shutting down of the crucial navigational aids.

According to official sources, four airlines violated the NOTAM issued by DGCA.

The DGCA is in the process of sending notices to Kingfisher, GoAir, JetLite and Jet Airways for having operated flights to Goa during the period when landing aids were switched off at the airport.

Air India said none of its flights to Goa would be affected and it will respect all rules laid down by the DGCA and the Indian Navy, which operates the airport.