Government-owned India Post and private courier service providers may want to take a leaf out of the ‘Knock, Drop and Go approach adopted by Canada Post for parcel delivery to keep their customers and employees safe in the wake of the Covid-19 outbreak.

Such a move will eliminate customer interactions at the door, reduce post office customer traffic, and support social and physical distancing.

Under the ‘Knock, Drop and Go’ approach, delivery employees of Canada’s top parcel delivery company knock or ring, choose the safest location available to leave the item, and then depart for the next address.

This change in how Canada Post delivers parcels, eliminates the need for signatures at the door, and greatly reduces the number of parcels sent to its post offices for pick-up.

Items that require proof of age, ID or customs payments are sent directly from the depots of Canada Post to a retail post office for pick-up with no restrictions on when customers can pick up the item.

Indian courier service providers too could adopt this ‘Knock, Drop and Go’ approach, albeit tailored to local conditions, once the ongoing nation-wide lockdown, necessitated to contain the spread of Covid-19, is relaxed.

In a statement, Canada’s Postal Service said parcels left at the post office for pick-up will not be returned-to-sender until further notice. The Service suspended its normal 15-day hold period.

It also requested customers who are feeling ill or self-isolating to delay their visit to the post office and to pick up their parcel when it’s safe to do so.

“We please ask you to respect social and physical distancing with our employees who you may see out in the community.

“...Please give our employees space and avoid opening the door or greeting them personally when they are at the door to deliver, or filling a community mailbox,” Canada Post said.

When in a retail post office, the Service urged customers to practise social distancing and the other measures that have been implemented.