GMR Hyderabad International Airport Ltd has completed the project of converting the entire airfield ground lighting signage from compact fluorescent lamps to light emitting diode lamps. A total of 132 units of AGL signage were converted from CFL to LED in a span of two weeks. More than 350 LED strips of 10W power were retrofitted to the signage. All these installations meet the mandatory regulatory requirement and maintain the required photometry level in line with operational needs. This signage is deployed across 1,700 acres of the air-side.

With the upgrade to energy efficient LED signage, the airport could save almost 45 per cent of energy used over conventional lights. The energy thus saved will reduce the airport’s dependence on traditional non-renewable sources of energy, slashing greenhouse gas emission, which in this case translates to reduction of over 20,000 kg of CO2 per annum.

Airfield Ground Lighting Signage acts as a guidance sign post on the air-side to help pilots identify the location of their aircraft, while on the air-side and also while taxing to the designated areas.

SGK Kishore, CEO, GHIAL, in a statement said, “GMR Hyderabad International Airport is committed to environmental sustenance by maximising the usage of green energy and energy efficient equipment. We are set to turn the airport into a 100 per cent LED Airport. Conversion of AGL signage into LED is one step towards this commitment.”


“Recently, Hyderabad airport enhanced its captive solar power capacity from 5MW to 10MW. With this, we would meet the entire energy requirement of the terminal building during the day-time,” he said. The airport had recently converted its entire taxiway edge lights from conventional lamps to LED, becoming the first airport in South India to achieve this feat. The entire land-side of the airport has been converted to LED.