Mangaluru International Airport (MIA) has operationalised an electric vehicle charging station for internal and public use.

A statement said the electric vehicle charging station is located near the flag post and two vehicles can be charged at a time. MIA is also planning to install one more on the airside for future use.

The station is capable of charging 30 vehicles in 24 hours. The potential users have to download Adani Total Gas Limited’s EV app available on Android and iOS.

The statement said that one can use the time, energy, and money mode for charging. In the time mode, a user may select the time that one wishes to charge the vehicle, in the energy mode one can opt for number of units that the vehicle needs to be charged, and charge for a specified amount in the last mode.

There is also a provision for fleet cards that large operators can avail to charge their electric vehicles. With a gradual shift towards electric vehicles and its proliferation , the presence of charging station at a public utility will reassure EV owners , it said.