The Cabinet on Wednesday cleared the allocation of five kg of free foodgrains to nearly 80 crore poor people in the country under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana for May and June at an estimated food subsidy of ₹25,332.92 crore.

The approved allocation of additional foodgrain of 5 kg per person per month would be available to all 79.88 crore beneficiaries covered under the National Food Security Act (NFSA), an official statement said.

The State and Union Territory-wise allocation of wheat and rice will be decided by the Department of Food and Public Distribution based on the current allocation ratio under NFSA. Besides, the department may also decide on extending the lifting and distribution period under PMGKAY as per operational requirements keeping in view partial and local lockdown situations and arising out of adverse weather conditions like the monsoon, cyclones, supply chain and Covid-induced constraints, it said. As a result, the total outgo in terms of foodgrains may be approximately 80 lakh tonnes.

The States and UTs have already started lifting foodgrains under the scheme and as much as 5.88 lakh tonnes have already been received by the States.