Every year around this time, major tech companies of the world announce new software updates and a plethora of new devices. More often than not, though, these hardware and software updates mean that some of the older versions of the devices get left out.

A case in point is the iPhone 4 which, along with some of the older iPads, will not get the iOS 8 updates and become outdated as a result. You can, of course, trade in your old iPhones and iPads for new ones, or sell them in the second-hand market. However, chances are that you will get measly amounts for them as buyers will be aware that they are getting an outdated product. There is also a chance that you may have some kind of sentimental attachment with the device. What do you do in such a situation?

The best bet would be to reuse the gadget as a multimedia device. Simply put, you can use the old iPhone as a permanent addition to a sound-dock. That would put both (the old iPhone and the 30-pin docking station) to good use. You can then install this device in a place where you do not care about having the latest tech, say in a kid’s room, or in an outhouse or on the patio. By the end of the day, while it may not have the latest software, it would still retain its storage space, camera and screen.

These devices are also good hand-me-downs for kids who love video games. Moreover, striving digital artists can make good use of old iPads as their digital doodle pads.

If you do not want a new modem or router in your private study, you can always get a data connection and use the iPhone as a portable hotspot.

And if you’re seriously technically-inclined, use the old iPhone as a surveillance camera on your door. You will find that installing an iPhone for these purposes is extremely easy.

On the other hand, if you have a bit of entrepreneurial flair, you can even make money out of these old iPhones. You could get a lot of these at dirt cheap prices, and get a developer to make an app for your business. If you run a small restaurant, you can use these old devices to take and manage orders. Or, you can use these iPhones to set up your own photo-booth at parties and fairs – you will need a printer though, but that is no biggie!