Earlier this week, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Nasscom’s Future Skills platform, hoping to train 40 lakh IT professionals in eight new skill sets, including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and big data.

The National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom) has roped in third-party providers of these courses online to roll out the IT-based education service. Companies that want to re-skill their employees will have to pay a fee for access to the Learning Management Platform.

Powered by AI tools, the system can monitor the progress of the learning. Nasscom will ask its members (and others) to opt for a paid subscription for the courses.

“For now, we (Nasscom) will offer this in Business-to-Business mode to let companies reskill their 20 lakh employees. At a later stage, it will be a business-to-consumer offering to engineering colleges to train the fresh talent in emerging technologies,” Nasscom’s former Chairman BVR Mohan Reddy told BusinessLine .

“It is not something ambitious. We have built a platform backed by an IT solution to re-skillexisting employees and up-skill people coming into the industry,” said Reddy, who is also on Nasscom’s Sectoral Skills Council. With automation threatening the IT industry and its ability to hire more, Nasscom has identified 55 job roles in areas such as virtual reality, Internet of Things, 3D printing and mobility in which people require training.

“We have identified 155 job skills that are required to get jobs in these 55 job roles,” he said on the sidelines of the just-concluded Nasscom India Leadership Forum (NILF) here.

With automation increasing, Nasscom has halved its outlook for hiring to 1 lakh jobs in 2018-19, from last year’s outlook of 1.3-1.5 lakh jobs.