In a recent series of tweets by Elon Musk, he posted pictures of his pet dog Floki posing as the ‘new CEO of Twitter’. Floki is of Shibu Inu breed, which also represents the Dogecoin cryptocurrency.

In the photo shared as a tweet by Elon Musk, his pet dog is seen to be sitting on a chair, wearing a CEO- branded black t-shirt, and surrounded by company papers and a laptop. Musk believes that his pet is “much better than the other guy.” It is unsure if he is hinting at himself or the ex-CEO Parag Agarwal.

In another tweet, Musk also said that he is “great with numbers” and “has a style”.

To the thread of tweets by Musk, a Dogecoin graphic designer replied with another photo saying that the Twitter Board of Directors is on fire.

After months of hassle, finally, last October, Elon Musk acquired Twitter for $44 billion. In the wake of Elon’s Twitter era, many had resigned and been fired, including Parag Agarwal.