Twitter is planning to introduce a way for users to automatically block and mute accounts that are abusive or spammy.

The microblogging platform mentioned a new ‘Safety Mode’ feature in a slide that was part of a presentation shown on its Analyst Day on Thursday.

The Safety Mode feature will help users autoblock and mute such accounts.

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“When you're in Safety mode we detect accounts that might be acting abusive or spammy and we limit the ability of those accounts to engage with you for 7 days. In addition, we show their replies to Fewer people,” reads the description of the feature as mentioned within the slide.

“Automatically block accounts that appear to break the Twitter Rules, and mute accounts that might be using insults name-calling, strong language or hateful remarks,” it added.

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The social media major has not provided further details about the feature or when it will be implemented.

“We’re also exploring smarter tools to proactively help people stay safe from unwanted interactions. An example of this is recognising when somebody is getting dogpiled and providing them more powerful and intelligent blocking capabilities to defend themselves from an overwhelming degree of intense interactions,” Kayvon Beykpour, Product Lead at Twitter, had said in his remarks on Analyst Day.

The feature is part of Twitter’s strategy focusing on promoting “healthy public conversation” on the platform.


Apart from the feature, another area that the platform will be working on for the same includes Birdwatch.

“While our work in labelling misleading information started with a Twitter-led effort to label Tweets, Birdwatch is a more scalable Wikipedia-like model where an open community of contributors can collectively determine when the context should be added to a tweet, and what that context should say,” explained Beykpur.

It will also be expanding ways in which it distinguishes account types on the platform. It will categorise accounts into People, Bots (automated accounts), and Businesses. “Each of these accounts will have different attributes and capabilities,” Beykpour said.

The platform has gained around 192M mDAU (monetisable daily active Twitter users) in Q4 2020. In India, Twitter witnessed a 74 per cent YoY mDAU growth in Q4 of 2020, it said.