Target: ₹250

CMP (NSE): ₹102.30

Maheshwari Logistics is engaged in the Business of Carriers,Transporters,dealing in papers, Board M.G Kraft Paper , Waste Paper, Kraft Paper , writing Papers and all other Papers and Dealing in coal and Lignite etc.

Maheshwari Logistics Ltd is among the largest organised player in western India and also among the largest aggregator of fleet owners in western India. The company uses owned trucks as well as third party transportation services.

Maheshwari Logistics manufactures Kraft paper from 100 per cent recycling of waste paper with capacity of 90,000 MT p.a. The company has recently executed an export order of 650.567 MT.

It has obtained necessary approvals from GPCB and finalised order for purchase of boiler which will be in operation by approx. March 22. It will help company to reduce its cost and further this alternates source of energy will prove to be a game changer for company as it helps generating energy from plastic which is a waste.

All the global paper majors have been increasing the price of papers and the demand for papers is also on up-trend with opening of schools and colleges which is very good for company. Also, it has received final eligibility of Subsidy worth ₹25 crore under Scheme of Incentive to Industry with Government of Gujarat. Considering the market-cap of company the Subsidy amount is very substantial.