Spot rubber finished lower on Wednesday. RSS 4 slid to Rs.132.00 (132.50) per kg as reported by the traders . The grade closed unchanged at Rs.128.50 and Rs.132.50 per kg respectively, according to Dealers and the Rubber Board . The market opened steady but lost the initial strength later in the absence of follow-up buying possibly tracking the weakness in domestic futures and global trendsetters.

In futures, the January contracts declined to Rs. 133.91 (136.00), February to Rs. 135.90 (137.97) and March to Rs. 138.08 (141.00) per kg on the Indian Commodity Exchange (ICEX).

RSS 3 (spot) dropped to Rs. 115.85 (115.98) per kg at Bangkok. The December futures weakened to Rs. 113.71 (113.87) while the January futures improved to Rs. 114.29 (114.00) and February to Rs. 117.08 (116.85) per kg on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM).

Spot rubber rates (Rs/kg) were:

RSS-4: 132.00 (132.50)

RSS-5: 128.50 (128.50)

ISNR 20: 116.50 (117.00)

and Latex (60% drc): 89.50 (90.50)