Invesco Mutual Fund has launched two target-maturity debt index funds – Invesco India Nifty G-sec Jul 2027 Index Fund and Invesco India Nifty G-sec Sep 2032 Index Fund.

The funds will invest 95 per cent to 100 per cent of its net assets in Government securities.

The objective of these open-ended, passively managed target maturity debt index funds is to mirror the underlying benchmark index and mature on a pre-determined date. Invesco India Nifty G-sec Jul 2027 Index Fund will mature on July 30, 2027 and Invesco India Nifty G-sec Sep 2032 Index Fund will have maturity on September 30, 2032.

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Taher Badshah, Chief Investment Officer, Invesco Mutual Fund, said with Central banks steering towards the end of the rate hike cycle, the Indian fixed-income market has come to an inflection point with risk-reward turning favourable for investors. The sharp increase in interest rates over the past one year now warrants increased allocation towards fixed income as an asset class that has the potential of generating meaningful income.

Vikas Garg, Head of Fixed Income, Invesco Mutual Fund, said the market offers attractive carry opportunities as interest rates are approaching their peak and future rate actions are expected to be more calibrated and data dependent.

Global factors could influence domestic policy actions, leading to some market volatility in the short term. Still, by remaining invested for the entire tenure, investors can potentially realise the benefits of attractive carry opportunities without getting impacted by interest rate volatility and achieve their financial objectives.

Invesco Mutual Fund has launched two target maturity debt index funds – Invesco India Nifty G-sec Jul 2027 Index Fund and Invesco India Nifty G-sec Sep 2032 Index Fund.

The funds will invest 95 per cent to 100 per cent of its net assets in Government securities.

The objective of these open-ended, passively managed target maturity debt index funds is to mirror the underlying benchmark index and mature on a pre-determined date. Invesco India Nifty G-sec Jul 2027 Index Fund will mature on July 30, 2027 and Invesco India Nifty G-sec Sep 2032 Index Fund will have maturity on September 30, 2032.

Taher Badshah, Chief Investment Officer, Invesco Mutual Fund said with Central banks steering towards the end of rate hike cycle, Indian fixed-income market has come to an inflection point with risk-reward turning favourable for investors. The sharp increase in interest rates over the past one year now warrants increased allocation towards fixed income as an asset class that has the potential of generating meaningful income.

Vikas Garg, Head of Fixed Income, Invesco Mutual Fund said the market is offering attractive carry opportunities, as interest rates are approaching their peak and future rate actions expected to be more calibrated and data dependent.

Global factors could influence domestic policy actions, leading to some market volatility in the short term. Still, by remaining invested for the entire tenure, investors can potentially realise the benefits of attractive carry opportunities without getting impacted by interest rate volatility and achieve their financial objectives.

The NFO of Invesco India Nifty G-sec Jul 2027 Index Fund closes on March 17, and that of Invesco India Nifty G-sec Sep 2023 Index Fund close on March 24.