Insolvency regulator IBBI has come up with a novel step to ensure Insolvency Professionals ( IPs) better discharge their duties and at the same time help distinguish the performers and non-performers amongst them. It has come up with a graduated system of levy of monetary penalty for minor non-compliances by the IPs.

For this purpose, the Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) has now directed the three Insolvency Professional Agencies (IPAs) to amend their bye-laws so as to provide maximum and minimum monetary penalty for certain non-compliances by IPs registered with such agencies.

Till date, there are three IPAs registered with the IBBI. These are ICSI Institute of Insolvency Professionals, Indian Institute of Insolvency Professionals of ICAI and Insolvency Professional Agency of Institute of Cost Accountants of India.

Monetary penalty

The IPAs have now been directed to provide for the maximum and minimum monetary penalty in the interest of objectivity and uniformity. The penalty will be imposed where the Disciplinary Committee of the IPAs decides to impose such penalty on its professional members.

As many as 14 contraventions have now been listed out by the IBBI in a circular along with the minimum and maximum penalty that can be imposed.

The contraventions include failure to submit disclosures, returns etc. to IPAs or incorrect disclosures, returns relating to any assignment as required under IBC (penalty of upto ₹1 lakh or 25 per cent of fee, whichever is higher, subject to a minimum of ₹50,000); accepting an assignment having conflict of interest with stakeholders (upto ₹ 2 lakh or 25 per cent of fee, whichever is higher, subject to a minimum of ₹1 lakh), etc.

Experts’ views

Ashok Haldia , Chairman of Indian Institute of Insolvency Professionals of ICAI, said “Prescription of a graduated system of monetary penalty for minor non compliances is welcome as it would bring in objectivity and uniformity in dealing with cases within an IPA and across all the IPA. It differentiates between non compliances and violations.”

Abhishek Saxena, Co-founding Partner, Phoenix Legal, said this marks a welcome step to ensure better diligence and integrity in the system.

Nakul Sachdeva, Partner, L&L Partners, said “The circular would lead consistency in the quantum of penalty imposed”.