BJP's Parliamentary Board, the highest decision-making body of the party, met here today for the first time after the landslide victory in the Lok Sabha elections to decide issues related to government formation.

Narendra Modi was the man of the moment at the meeting with all leaders, including L K Advani, welcoming him with sweets.

Before the start of the meeting at the party headquarters, Modi first greeted Advani and bent towards him as a gesture of respect. Advani then embraced him.

Advani was initially opposed to anointment of Modi as the Prime Ministerial candidate and had even resigned from all posts last year as a mark of protest, only to change his decision a day later.

Modi was also given sweets by BJP President Rajnath Singh, Sushma Swaraj, Murli Manohar Joshi, Nitin Gadkari and other members of the 12-ember Board.

Before the meeting, Modi was greeted with cheers and blowing of conch shells at the party headquarters.