Telangana Health Department on Thursday advised the general public to take precautionary measures in the wake of increasing Covid-19 cases in Delhi.

G Srinivas Rao, Director, Public Health, Government of Telangana, has asked all those aged above 60 years to take the booster dose without fail. “All those who are above 12 years of age and have not taken vaccines so far, should immediately take the vaccine,’‘ he added in a statement. 

Citing some surveys which did not predict a fourth wave of the pandemic, the official said the R value in Telangana was only at 0.5 per cent as against 1 in Delhi. Everyone should wear a face mask and maintain social distance to stop further spread of cases in Telangana, he added. R value is a mathematical term used to track the virus and predict how it may spread in a given area.

Also referring to the rising day temperature in the State, he advised people to drink at least 2.5 to 5 litres of water every day to stay hydrated.