Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) has implemented key features of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 through various initiatives. This includes ‘IIT Madras for All’, BS Degree (Data Science and Applications) and Inter-Disciplinary Dual Degree (IDDD) programs, said the institute’s director V Kamakoti.

The unique aspects of these programs include multiple entry and exit options, providing for a change of discipline, and enabling Humanities specialisation for technical students, he told newspersons on the third anniversary of NEP.

The NEP emphasises the need for educational institutions to nurture creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills among students. It recognises the importance of promoting an entrepreneurial mindset and fostering innovation as key pillars of a well-rounded education.”

The Centre for Innovation (CFI) and Nirmaan align with the NEP’s goals of nurturing creativity and imparting focus on problem-solving aligns with the NEP’s emphasis on nurturing start-ups that address real-world challenges and contribute to societal welfare, he said.

Kamakoti said under IIT Madras for All, the institute has introduced The Rural Interaction Center; the Rural Technology Centre; the Center for Innovation and Nirmaan; BS (Data Science and Programming) and Interdisciplinary Dual Degree Programme.