A potentially hazardous giant asteroid with an 'extremely eccentric' orbit is set to fly past Earth on Saturday at over 125,529 km per hour, according to NASA. The asteroid, known as 2015 TB145, will pass our planet by only 499,000 km — the closest pass since July 2006.

N CP party chief Sharad Pawar is to hold a public rally in Mumbai on Saturday to take stock of the work done by the BJP government in Maharashtra since it came to power a year ago.

I n a historic migration 30 families from Indian enclaves located deep inside Bangladesh are expected to cross over to India on Sunday. These families have chosen to retain Indian citizenship following the boundary agreement reached between India and Bangladesh, which came into effect on July 31. The two countries redrew their boundaries more than four decades after Prime Ministers Indira Gandhi and Sk Mujibur Rehman inked the historic land agreement treaty.

V ice-President M Hamid Ansari is to commence a six-day visit to Indonesia and Brunei on Sunday. In Indonesia, Ansari would be meeting President Joko Widodo, his counterpart there Jusuf Kalla, and the Speakers of the two Houses of the country's Parliament..

A n environment compensation charge of Rs 700 for 2-axle commercial vehicles and Rs 1,300 for 3-axle and above vehicles will come into force in the Capital on Sunday following a direction from the apex court. The order is aimed at making the entry of these commercial vehicles into the city costlier. The trucks enter the city so as to avoid paying higher toll on national highways, adding to air pollution levels in the national Capital.