The ruling BJP on Friday pledged to defeat American billionaire George Soros’s reported “designs” to initiate regime change in India. Soros has reportedly accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of “crony capitalism” and highlighted his “good relationship” with industrialist Gautam Adani. BJP dubbed these reported comments as an “intent to interfere with India’s democratic processes” and said these “designs will be defeated”.

The BJP fielded Union Minister Smriti Irani at the party headquarters to describe George Soros as a “a man who broke the Bank of England, a man who is known and designated so by a Nation as an economic war criminal” who aims to initiate regime change in India and interfere in the Indian democratic process. The Minister pledged to counter his “designs” “with the might of India under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi”.

Soros’s remarks were reported prominently by a website OpIndia, which quoted him as saying, “Modi and business tycoon Adani are close allies. Their fate is intertwined… Modi is silent on the subject but he will have to answer questions from foreign investors and in Parliament.”

Smriti Irani characterised these remarks as an intent to “intervene in the democratic processes of India”, as “regime change” and install a government “more pliable to his needs”. She said Soros has pledged billions of dollars to target PM Modi.

“He has now pronounced his desire to break the Indian democracy. George Soros, an international entrepreneur who hedges bets against many a countries, has now declared his ill intention to intervene in the democratic processes of India. That George Soros wants a government which is pliable to his needs is more than evident from his statements. That he has pronounced funding of over a billion dollars particularly to target leaders like Prime Minister Modi is significant,” said Irani.

Congress party’s reaction

The Congress, meanwhile, said the Adani issue and the political activity generated following the Hindenburg report has nothing, whatsoever, to do with George Soros.

“Whether the PM-linked Adani scam sparks a democratic revival in India depends entirely on the Congress, Opposition parties and our electoral process. It has nothing to do with George Soros. Our Nehruvian legacy ensures that people like Soros cannot determine our electoral outcomes,” said Congress leader Jairam Ramesh on twitter.

Smriti Irani, on her part, appealed to every Indian to join in the BJP’s drive to “defeat the imperialist intentions of an entrepreneur”.

“As a karyakarta of the BJP, this is an appeal to every Indian citizen. Every five years we all democratically elect a government to serve the needs and aspirations of India. We as a nation state during Covid became the pharmacy to the world. We as a nation state have witnessed how Prime Minister Modi has ensured food security for 800 million Indians. We as a nation are witness to an Amrit Kaal Budget that has the highest allocation for defence. We as a nation state are together with PM Modi laying the foundation for the future of our country that will not only inherit our dreams but a resilient and strong economy. It is to be highlighted that when India rose as the fifth largest economy when the President of the US, President of France, Prime Minister of the UK publicly extended gratitude to the PM and India for enabling employment not only in India but in these three designated nations, such is the time where the imperialistic intentions of an entrepreneur have come to light,” she said.

Smriti said such intents will be crushed by “the might of India under the leadership of PM Modi”

“Today as a citizen, I call upon every individual and organisation, societal or political, to denounce the intention of this individual who seeks to demonise our democracy, weaken our democratic interests and who brings an onslaught to the economy of India. All so that he can personally gain. Those who Mr Soros finds pliable need to know that India has defeated imperialistic designs before and shall do so again. Those who support Mr Soros need to know that democracy has prevailed in India and will continue to do so. And particularly as a karyakarta of the BJP, these designs to weaken Indian democracy will be met with the might of India under the leadership of PM Modi,” she said.