Karuna Gopal, an expert on smart cities has been invited to speak at Harvard Asia Business Conference 2020 being held at Harvard Business School , Boston, USA on 1 March 2020.

A BJP leader and President of Foundation for Futuristic Cities, she will share the stage with Some of the Global experts like Zhengzhen Tan, Executive Director of MIT Sustainable Urbanisation Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT); Sergio Fernandez de Cordova Chairman at Blockchain Commission, Imperative Fund, SmartCities New York, USA; Karen Tay Smart Nation Director (Prime Minister’s Office) Government of Singapore.

This year's theme, "Chances, Changes, Challenges", was chosen recognising that Asia is increasingly influencing the world's trends in multiple sectors. The focus will be on how can Asia seize new opportunities, adapt, and manage various challenges, create new opportunities as itcontinues to disrupt the rest of the world.

According to the Harvard invitation, Karuna Gopal will speak promotingUrban Transformation in India and overall perspectives on the development of a Smart Cities.