The 64th Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) Conference commenced Friday at the University of Hyderabad (UoH).

In his inaugural address at the three-day meeting, Deba Prasad Rath, Principal Adviser, DEPR, RBI, spoke on “Post Covid Fiscal Policy - The Indian Experience”. He highlighted the need for Fiscal policy research and its significant impact on India’s potential growth and sustainability while emphasising the importance of counter-cyclical fiscal interventions. 

Satoshi Sasaki, Deputy Director of ILO Decent Work Team for South Asia and Country Office for India, stressed the importance of advancing labour economics in India. He also talked about the informal sector and the potential of India’s large youth workforce, which has opened the market to new business avenues. 

Deepak Nayyar, President of ISLE provided a brief overview of ISLE’s history and its commitment and improving the lives of workers in India.

B J Rao, Vice Chancellor of UoH discussed the complexity of an economy compared with the physical systems in science disciplines. He invited the ISLE to hold their meetings in UoH in the future, too.

Ritu Dewan, Conference President, outlined the conference’s key themes, objectives, and achievements and set the agenda for the upcoming discussions and presentations.

Alok Kumar Mishra, the conference’s Organising Secretary welcomed the delegates. The School of Economics, UoH, is hosting the ISLE conference from March 29 to 31, 2024. 

The themes for this year’s conference are Gig and Platform Work, Growth and Employment, and Care Economy and Labour Market. The meeting will feature a wide array of intellectual activities, comprising paper presentations, six-panel lectures, and sixteen parallel panel discussions around the main themes.