Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Wednesday urged the Indian Navy to focus on futuristic capability development to tackle emerging challenges in the maritime domain.

The Minister’s remarks came during an interaction at the second edition of Naval Commanders’ Conference where “he also emphasised the important of ‘Whole of Nation’ approach to overcoming the nation’s security challenges,” said the Navy in a statement.

The Navy’s role assumes importance given China’s growing presence in Indian Ocean Region.

Singh commended the Navy for maintaining a high operational tempo in ensuring secure seas. The Minister also appreciated the Navy for evolving as ‘Combat-ready, Credible, Cohesive and Future Proof’ force of the country.

Singh along with other senior dignitaries of the Defence Ministry also witnessed a technology demonstration by the Naval Headquarters and Weapons and Electronics Systems Engineering Establishment (WESEE), the R&D arm of the Navy, showcasing ongoing and planned indigenous projects utilising niche technologies in the field of artificial intelligence, tactical communications, combat management systems, cybersecurity, periscopes and combat platform integration.