Remembering and honouring the victims of 26/11 terrorists attacks in his 38th edition of 'Mann ki Baat' on Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised both the armed forces and farmers of the country.

"Twenty-six eleven is our Constitution Day but how can the nation forget that on this very day nine years ago (2008), terrorists had launched an attack on Mumbai. The country remembers and bows to those brave citizens, policemen, security men and each one who lost their lives then," he said.

He said the country can never forget their sacrifice. Terrorism has taken an ugly shape and has become a global threat almost as a daily routine. We, in India, are facing a lot for the last 40 years on account of terrorism, Modi said.

"Thousands of our innocent people have lost their lives. But, a few years ago, when India used to talk about the severe threats of terrorism many people in the world were not ready to take it seriously, Now that, terrorism is knocking at their doors, every government in the world, those who believe in humanity, governments having faith in democracy are seeing this as one of the biggest challenges," he said.

The Prime Minister said that terrorism has threatened humanity across the globe and terrorism has challenged humanity. It is bent upon destroying the humanitarian forces. Therefore, not only India but all humanitarian forces will have to keep fighting unitedly to defeat the menace of terrorism.

"Lord Budha, Lord Mahavir, Guru Nanak, Mahatma Gandhi – this is the land which gave the message of love and non-violence to the world," he said.

Terrorism and extremism are trying to weaken and destroy our social fabric. That is why, the need of the hour is that humanitarian forces should become more alert and cautious.

Navy Day, Armed Forces Flag Day

He said the country will observe 'Navy Day' on December 4 and 'Armed Forces Flag Day' on December 7 like every year. These are the days to feel proud of and show respect to our country’s armed forces, he said.

"I am happy that the Ministry of Defence has decided to run a campaign from December 1-7 during which they will reach out to the people of the country to disseminate information about our Armed Forces and to make them aware," Modi said.

Throughout the week every one, old or young, should wear the flag he said adding that this should be a movement to instill respect for our forces.

"We can distribute armed forces flags on this occasion. Experiences and acts of valour of those from the armed forces who are our neighbours or acquaintances and related videos and pictures can be posted on hash-tag armed forces flag day (#armedforcesflagday)," he said.

He said people from the forces could be invited to schools and colleges to share information about the forces so that our new generation can get a good opportunity to get information about the forces.

"This is also an occasion to collect funds for the welfare of the jawans of our armed forces. This amount is spent through the Sainik Kalyan Board on the dependents of those who lost their lives and also for those who got injured during wars, for their rehabilitation," the PM said.

He said more information about sending in monetary contributions can be had on One can also make cashless payment for this.

World Soil Day

Talking about farmers of the country, Modi said he was happy to see that farmers have come forward to implement the suggestions made in the soil health card and better results are showing and they are getting more and more inspired.

Now the farmers have also realised that proper soil care is needed if production is to be increased and that if we take care of our soil, it will also care for all of us.

"Our farmers across the country have got more than 10-crore soil health cards made so that they may understand their soil better and accordingly sow the crop," Modi indicated.

He said the world will be celebrating 'World Soil Day' on December 5, and our farmers, the sons of our soil make a resolution that by the year 2022, when we complete 75 year of our independence, they will cut down the urea usage to half of what is being used currently.

"If this son of the soil, my farmer brother once makes this resolution then we will see the health of mother Earth improve and production will increase. A transformation shall start to usher into the life of the farmer," Modi added.