“The Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) manifesto is only aimed at vote bank, while the Congress promises to uplift all sections of society,” according to AICC spokesperson Kushboo Sundar.

“Only gaining votes is not the Congress’ aim,” she said while addressing reporters on Wednesday. “The BJP in its five-year rule has wrecked people’s lives with its wrong policies.”

Congress manifesto

The Congress election manifesto is not a piece of paper as claimed by the BJP. “Our manifesto aims to ease the burden of common man and take everyone towards development and prosperity and we have promised only that,” she said. Kushboo alleged that the BJP and the Prime Minister were not in favour of NREGA, the rural employment guarantee scheme. The scheme implemented by the Congress party ensured a fixed income to the poorest of the poor in the rural areas, she said.

Faulty implementation

The programmes of the Congress-led UPA government were spoilt by the BJP with faulty implementation. Instead of coming up with better policies, it came up with “My money is mine, and your money is also mine” policies which has wreaked havoc on the lives of the common man.

Rafale deal

The testimony to wrong policy is the Rafale deal. “Here the country’s wealth is being looted. The self proclaimed Chowkidar Narendra Modi should have safeguarded the nation but instead ‘looted’,” Kushboo said.

Similarly, GST and demonetisation played havoc not only with common man but badly hit crores of small businesses, entrepreneurs, MSMEs. People including farmers had to suffer due to these faulty policies,” she alleged.

In the last five years, the BJP government has taken the country back by 20 years, she added.