Storage and data management solutions provider NetApp, India operations is a microcosm of the company’s global operations and is the only location outside the US with multi-functions, according to Ravi Chhabria, Managing Director India at NetApp. 

“NetApp’s India center set up 22 years ago has a strong core engineering team and isn’t just a cost-saving destination. It is a microcosm of the global inc and is the only center outside the US that is multifunctional,” Chhabria added.. 

Critical initiatives

All the global functions are anchored in India and are built on a strong backbone of innovation. India is currently running three major company critical initiatives, handles finance operations, and even closes global Fortune 500 books in India, he added. 

Chhabaria said the adoption of technology has accelerated significantly in India thus providing growth opportunities for the company. NetApp in India has a wide customer base spanning various verticals like BFSI and public sector. Disney and Dreamworks, among others, are some of the company’s clients. 

‘Slowdown in macro environment’

He added that the next set of data services for NetApp’s future will be seen in newer verticals like media and entertainment. 30 per cent of the company’s 12,000 employees globally are based in India.

On the effect of the global slowdown, Chhabaria said there is uncertainty and a slowdown in the macro environment. While customers are deferring spending, the growth momentum is still strong. The shift to the cloud is still happening and NetApp is benefiting from the move, he added.