The Association of Geospatial Industries (AGI) and The European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to promote use of data from low earth observation satellites by industry and research institutes.

The agreement, signed on the sidelines of the Geospatial World Forum, which held a closed door meeting here on Tuesday, is expected to benefit European companies which offer data products and services, and address the concerns and interests of the Indian geospatial industry.

The broad objectives of the agreement are regular exchange of information to promote exports, expand applications, joint meetings and implementation of mutual interests, according to a press release.

The main beneficiaries would be organisations and firms located in the EU and India that are willing to develop partnerships and joint projects, and are interested in sharing best practices and exchange of experience, information, people and technologies related to EO, which are not available in their home locations.

Sandeep Srivastava – Executive Director of AGI said, “The MoU acts as a foundation of growth and development between the European Union and India and not just EARSC and AGI”. Geoff Sawyer, Secretary-General of the EARSC, concurred with these views and urged the geospatial companies to take full advantage of the agreement.