The Tamil Nadu government has extended Covid-19 lockdown across the State till April 30 with all the existing restrictions to continue. It has also issued a Test-Track-Treat protocol.

All international air travel of passengers, except for purposes as permitted by the Ministry of Home Affairs remain prohibited, says a Government Order.

Test-Track-Treat protocol :

Test - There is a need to ensure that the tests being conducted are uniformly distributed across all districts with adequate testing to be done in districts reporting a higher number of cases. The proportion of RT-PCR tests in the total mix is to be scaled up to 70 per cent or more. Districts where the proportion of tests is less, should rapidly increase testing.

Track - The new positive cases detected as a result of intensive testing need to be isolated/quarantined at the earliest. Containment zones have to be demarcated and prescribed containment measures implemented within such zones. Listing of contacts shall be carried out in respect of all persons found positive, along with their tracking, identification, quarantine and follow up contacts for 14 days (80 per cent of contacts to be traced in 72 hours).

Treat - Quick isolation of Covid-19 patients shall be ensured in treatment facilities/home. Clinical interventions shall be administered and adequate availability of Covid dedicated health and logistics infrastructure based on their assessment of the case trajectory shall be ensured.

The district administrations should strictly enforce wearing of face masks; hand hygiene and social distancing must be ensured. Those not wearing masks can be fined.

Based on the assessment of the situation, local restrictions to contain the spread of the virus can be imposed, the Order said.

On Tuesday, new coronavirus cases in Tamil Nadu increased by 2,342 (2,279 on Monday) to a total of 8,84,094. However, after 1,463 persons were discharged, the number of active cases stood at 14,846. There were 16 deaths and 83,154 samples tested.