Continuing its winning spree, filmmaker Vinay Shukla’s documentary “While We Watched”, featuring news anchor Ravish Kumar, won the Cinephile Award at the Busan International Film Festival 2022.

The film, titled “Namaskar! Main Ravish Kumar” in Hindi, also won the Amplify Voices Award at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).

The Cinephile Award is given to the best Korean and Asian documentary film presented in the Wide Angle documentary showcase section.

The winner is selected by a jury, comprising students from the cinema-related departments of six universities in Busan.

“While We Watched” is described as a turbulent newsroom drama that intimately chronicles the working days of broadcast journalist Kumar as he navigates a spiralling world of truth and disinformation.

“Through the lens of its protagonist – a man clinging onto integrity even as everything falls apart – ‘While We Watched’ urges the viewer to consider their own responsibility and culpability as news and media come under greater scrutiny than ever before, Vinay’s upcoming film delivers the promise of a bold, timely, and globally relevant documentary,” the official description read.

Overwhelming win

In a statement, Shukla said he is "overwhelmed" by the win.

"I’d like to thank the Busan International Film Festival, the audiences and the jury. I spent the last four years locked in, working on this film everyday. I had an incredibly dedicated team.

"We wanted to make an immersive cinematic film about the emotional cost of making and consuming news. It was a hard and long process. I moved to the outskirts of Delhi and rented a place there for two years to shoot the film," the filmmaker said.

Amidst the pandemic, Shukla said, the team witnessed many ups and downs. The documentary turned out to be their "truest companion".

“To now know that the film is playing across the world and making new friends is a deeply satisfying feeling.”

“While We Watched” is a UK production and is produced by LONO Studio and BRITDOC Films.

The 27th edition of the Busan International Film Festival concludes on Friday.