Kyrgyzstan Government will be setting up a special free economic zone for Indian manufacturers, especially for the pharmaceuticals industry.

“We have a big interest in promoting Indian pharma investments in our country. The proposed economic zone will offer free infrastructure for manufacturers,” Asein Isaev, Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic told Business Line at the iPHEX - Global Regulators Conclave being organised by Pharmexcilhere.

The modalities of the zone and tax incentives that might be offered would be discussed at the Inter-Government Committee (IGC), he said.

“The plan is to set up the zone in about one year from now”, Isaev added.

The country is interested in Indian Generics and is currently importing some drugs from India.

It is also possible to arrive at some kind of understanding for mutual recognition of some regulatory processes, the Ambassador said.

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As Kyrgyzstan is one of the popular destinations for Indian medical students, it wants to set up a campus in India as well.

On the impact of Russia-Ukraine war on his country, the diplomat said: “The impact is very bad but our government has taken a series of measures like banning of some exports.”