The career expectations for each generation will continue to evolve over time. A recent report by Internshala Jobs, the jobs arm of career-tech platform, Internshala, titled, ‘Navigating GenZ Workplace Expectations in 2024: Insights for HR Professionals,’ reveals some of the expectations GenZ have while applying for jobs.

Says Sarvesh Agrawal, Founder and CEO, Internshala Jobs, “With the rapid influx of GenZ job seekers into the market, it has become increasingly crucial for HR professionals to delve deeper into understanding the nuanced expectations and aspirations of this demographic. To capture a comprehensive understanding of the preferences, motivations and priorities of this burgeoning talent pool, we have conducted this survey, encompassing insights from over 4,700 actively job seeking GenZers.”

According to the report, 67 per cent of GenZ job seekers prioritise learning and growth prospects offered by organisations and only 25 per cent prioritise salary packages. While 4 per cent are motivated by the company culture, 3 per cent by brand reputation and a mere 1 per cent by additional perks such as health insurance and ESOPs.

Kamal Karanth, Co-founder, Xpheno, a specialist staffing company, says that it will be a ‘generous’ statement to make that GenZ wants growth and learning in their jobs over money. This generation has been inundated with terms like job-readiness, industry readiness, skill-gaps, and finishing school. Having experienced an abundance of engineering and business talent in the job market, Gen Z understands the importance of staying relevant through continuous learning and upskilling. However, despite these priorities, it’s improbable that GenZ would accept new job opportunities without a substantial salary increase.


The report also suggests that 84 per cent of Gen Z applicants prioritise work–life balance. Hence, 45 per cent of the applicant are favouring a hybrid model, 31 per cent prefer remote work, and only 21 per cent opting for traditional in-office setups. Meanwhile, the report also exhibits the crucial role of review platforms such as Glassdoor when it comes to hiring. Thirty-nine percentage of Gen Z applicants rely on review platforms and the ratings of their potential employers on such platforms. Karanth says that the review platform provides insights into the BRIMP model — Brand, Role, Industry, Money and People — a framework curated by Xpheno. Online reviews can provide insights into BRIMP, to help them in decision-making while choosing a company to work for. These platforms can enable the applicants to take informed decisions.

When asked about AI’s future impact on their careers, Gen Z applicants had varied views. Fifty-seven per cent saw it as a valuable asset capable of bolstering productivity and efficiency, 13 per cent anticipated transformative changes in job roles, 11 per cent viewed it as a collaborative tool. Another 11 per cent perceived AI as competition, possibly replacing tasks. And 8 per cent expressed uncertainty or minimal anticipation of AI significantly affecting their job roles.

According to the report, 49 per cent of Gen-Z job seekers show a positive attitude toward job hopping, indicating a readiness to change jobs often and pursue varied career paths and experiences. Karanth suggests that this could be because most of Gen Z job aspirants entered the workforce during a period of significant post-pandemic uncertainty. This experience may have instilled in them a sense of adaptability and preparedness for change. Consequently, they actively seek better opportunities that provide greater security and a more favourable work environment.