Kharge’s ‘Oscar’ peeve

Politicians from various parties taking jibes at each other during Parliament proceedings are a common occurrence. However, Congress President and Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Mallikarjun Kharge took this to a new level recently when the upper House was Congratulating the team ‘RRR’ and ‘The Elephant Whisperers’ for their Oscar wins. His message to the ruling dispensation: please don’t take credit for this achievement!

Kharge said “It (Indians winning Oscars) is great pride for us (Congress) and also we (Congress) are proud (of their achievements) and whatever you (government representative who spoke on this) have told, we are with you. But only my request is that the ruling party should not be taking credit that we (BJP) have directed, we (BJP) have written the poem (song) or Modiji has directed this film. That is my only request. This (Oscars win) is contribution of the country”, said Kharge. His jibe made even Rajya Sabha Chariman and Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankar chuckle.

Politics over rubber

Thalassery Archidiocese Bishop Mar Joseph Pamplany’s speech at a protest rally of Catholic Congress in Alakode in Kannur has created a political ruckus in Kerala.

He has assured his community’s support for the BJP to get a seat from the State, if the Centre raises the price of natural rubber to ₹300 per kg. According to the Bishop, rubber growers are in dire straits because of plummeting prices and surging production cost. NR prices are ruling at ₹143 and the production cost at above ₹250.

Let the sparrows multiply!

March 20 marks World Sparrow Day. The Srinivasan Services Trust, the social arm of TVS Motor Company and Sundaram-Clayton Limited, has drawn up an action plan to create awareness about sparrow conservation.

It has identified villages and areas where the sparrows can nest and have procured thousands of customised nests, which are being distributed to these villages across Tamil Nadu. The nesting boxes will be kept on the top of windows outside the house with some feed or at nearby rooftops to invite sparrows.

Till date, the Trust has already distributed sparrow nesting boxes in and around 100 villages. The organisation’s conservation efforts have already shown positive results, with many of these boxes providing homes to the sparrow population in these areas. The trust believes that this action can make a significant difference in the preservation of the sparrow species.

Milk shortage in TN

A shortage of Aavin milk has been reported in parts of Tamil Nadu. Aavin, Tamil Nadu’s cooperative milk organisation, has procured at least 10 lakh litres of milk this year.

But a little bird alleges that the State government is trying to help a couple of private milk firms — one owned by a relative of one of the top DMK leaders. Supply of Aavin milk in the areas where these firms have a strong presence has been curbed so that they can benefit. Our Bureaus