West Asian ties

This refers to your the Editorial ‘Arabian delight’ (February 16). It is really delightful that India could sign a long term pact with Qatar on gas import.

The arrest of eight Indian Navy personnel in Qatar was beginning to hurt bilateral trade.

Realising that India is the largest buyer of LNG, Qatar did not want to lose, the latter started adopting a soft pedalled approach in trade discussions which India encashed the opportunity in getting the release of navy personnel and in securing a long term contract of import of gas at much reduced price resulting into a saving of $6b.

The acumen and stewardship shown in handling the issue is laudable.

K Venkatesan


For gender sensitivity

It refers to ‘Menstrual leave will have positive spin-offs’. This sensitive issue needs to be looked at with empathy and compassion.

Women workforce are critical cogs of the corporate world and a few days of leave would not be a problem.

India Inc needs to show sensitivity and empathy to the women workforce to motivate them.

Bal Govind


Rail roko unjustified

Apropos ‘Farmers’ protest: Next round of talks set for Sunday, farmers urge Centre to rein in Haryana’ (February 16), it was encouraging to learn that Union Ministers and farmers decided to meet again on Sunday to find a solution to the demands raisedand farmers have assured that they will not try to proceed to Delhi till the next round of discussions.

However, the ‘rail roko’ by farmers is unjustified as it will inconvenience to thousands of hapless train commuters.

Sadly, the protesting farmers also staged demonstrations at several toll plazas in Punjab forcing the toll authorities to let go of commuters without toll fees.

The Punjab CM must have persuaded the farmers from rail roko and toll plaza protests.

Let the Punjab and Haryana High Court, which is already seized of this matter, take due cognisance thereof.

SK Gupta

New Delhi

Welcome judgment

The Apex court scrapping the Electoral Bonds comes as a good news for all those who stand for democracy. The bonds were nothing but a legalised scam.

Therefore a huge amount given to any person or a political party is definitely an inducement for incremental benefit. Any party accepting such a huge amount loses its right to criticise others as being corrupt. The ruling dispensation tried to substantiate its action by claiming this scheme as an effective tool to do away with Black money but it proved to be a false claim.

However, by doing away with Electoral bonds one need not remain complacent. The money power employed in the elections kills democracy.

Election Commission should have a fool proof monitoring system to nullify the role of money in elections.

AG Rajamohan
