RBI’s regulatory thrust

It is heartening to see RBI being aggressive on the regulatory front. Its crackdown on banks and NBFCs indulging in retail loan malpractices should continue till the malaise is eliminated. Harsher policy measures may be required to curb the menace.

RBI should continuously and closely monitor working of lenders to secure prompt detection of malpractice. The present staff strength in RBI is not adequate to carry out supervisory functions with required efficiency level. A tech savvy team of inspectors is need of hour in RBI.

Hemanth Bhide


Tutoring problem

Apropos the article “The shadow education challenge” (March 8), the fact that the National Education Policy 2020 recognises the problem of private tutoring and the government has developed guidelines for regulation of these tutoring centres has laid bare the severity of the issue.

The shadow education, which mostly employs the methods of rote learning and long study hours, to the exclusion of psychological and physical wellbeing of the students, is causing incalculable harm to our educational system.

However, it is the abysmal school education that is driving the coaching class industry.

The school education system needs to be reformed comprehensively, introducing innovative and interactive teaching methods to make students understand basic concepts, continuous assessment and allocating adequate time for extra curricular and sports activities.

If our schools become true leaning centres with excellent teaching, learning and assessment processes, coaching centres would automatically disappear over a period of time.

Kosaraju Chandramouli


The article ‘The Shadow education challenge’ (March 8) made for a very good read. Viewing from the angle of economics, coaching or tuition centres add to investments, employment and income in the economy.

This is just one side of the story. It must be remembered that Indian parents are so obsessed with private tuitions start at the primary school level.

They do not understand the simple logic that different teachers adopt different methods of teaching leaving the children totally confused about various concepts. As the familiar saying goes ‘Too many cooks spoil the broth’.

Also, tuition time encroaches upon the students’ extra-curricular activities (sports, music, art, etc) which are very significant for their physical and emotional development. Needless to say, some parents pay tuition fees through the nose. India’s parallel economy ensures that shadow education thrives.

S Ramakrishnasayee


Pulses MSP is beneficial

This refers to ‘Legally guaranteed MSP fine for pulses, oil seeds’ (March 8). When Minimum Support Price is guaranteed for pulses and oil seeds, paddy and wheat farmers will move from mono crop pattern and cultivate pulses and oilseeds.

It will be not only lucrative but also reduces ground water consumption.

Along with paddy and wheat there must be MSP procurement and pulses must be included in PDS. A legally guaranteed MSP for pulses and oil seeds will reduce import of edible oil. It will increase nutritional security and soil health and enhance farmers’ income.

NR Nagarajan
