Social media perils

This is with reference to the editorial ‘The Internet and children’ (October 4). One of the reasons for misuse of the Internet is that in big cities, especially in nuclear families, the children are given less time by the parents and tend to use social media networks at an early without realising its harmful effects. With increasing use of social media children will not be able to inculcate the benefits of value and literary education.

Second, once children get addicted to social media, no amount of persuasion will deter them, even if coercive measures are used. This may result in many psychological problems.

However, in the modern and tech-savvy society it is practically not possible to keep the children away from social media, especially when many parents themselves use it too. As such, parents should monitor the child’s activities so that their children do not get addicted or use sites which are not advisable for children.

Veena Shenoy


Work in progress

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s declaration that the country has become open-defecation free (ODF) was excusable, but rather premature. Many people across the country are still to break the habit of open defecation. According to a study by the Research Institute for Compassionate Economics, 44 per cent of people living in rural areas of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan still follow this practice. The situation cannot be very different in most of India’s other parts.

Credit must be given to the Modi government for the Swacch Bharat mission and toilet-building to facilitate the elimination of open defecation. But all these low-cost toilets cannot be said to be conveniently located, accessible, self-contained with essentials like toilet seats and tapped water. It should not be forgotten that many people in our country are still homeless.

A lot more needs to be done on several fronts to make India fully free from open defecation. Behavioural change is of prime importance. An improvement in the overall economic condition of poor people that raises their standard of living is sure to go a long way. Making India fully free from open defecation is a ‘work in progress’ and it should continue till the attainment of the goal.

G David Milton


Diplomatic route

Ever since US President Donald Trump pulled out his country from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or Iran nuclear deal of 2018, there has been no dearth of tension on the ground. Imposition of punitive economic sanctions by the Trump administration with an intent to usher in a regime change in Iran now seems to have only strengthened the resolve of Tehran’s leadership to strengthen its ambitious nuclear programme. Under these circumstances, Iranian President Rouhani had expressed his willingness to the talks with the US proposed by French President Emmanuel Macron. No doubt, it is a good diplomatic opening. Sustained dialogue and not the threats of military confrontation would help resolve the issues surrounding Iran nuclear programme.

M Jeyaram


Growth story

After having gained a largely favourable international consensus on sensitive matters of national importance, it is time India prioritises the next steps for socio-economic growth and restore the partially lost momentum in key sectors. Instead of brainstorming on austerity measures to reduce the widening fiscal deficit, a quick revival in demand-driven sectors is needed. A spike in crude oil can lead to inflationary-pressures; it is thus important to channelise the welfare expenditures and leverage the global rate cuts, greater foreign fund influx and the political leadership to fast-track the investment cycle. Despite recent conditions, India’s growth story appears to be decent and well-punctuated by fiscal discipline, consistent macro economic indicators and controlled inflation. As several business communities reciprocate the country’s growth objective, stakeholder confidence and overall retail consumption could soon witness an uptick,.

Further, a lower corporate tax can boost earnings growth, enhance fund-inflows and control the debt, even though global cues remain turbulent.

Girish Lalwani
