Net-zero emissions

Apropos ‘Can our emissions hit net zero by 2047?’ (December 27), the sources coupled with workable avenues provide enough confidence that the country can achieve this target. The installation of 1 MW solar plants in six lakh villages looks doable. As the economy grows, the transport sector too would be in expansion mode. That the Railways is moving quickly towards full electrification is a welcome development, but it must ensure that much of the power consumed comes from renewable energy sources.

In renewable energy itself, there must be alternative sources apart from solar and wind as they are seasonal in nature. During rainy and winter seasons, generation of solar energy will be difficult and will need to be substituted or met from alternative sources. The recently launched National Hydrogen Mission, to give a thrust to the production of green hydrogen, is a laudable step.

RV Baskaran


Pricing of LIC IPO

The LIC IPO has everything to make it a blockbuster. But the merchant bankers must price it right. Too many of the big-ticket IPOs not only opened at a discount but also slid further, leaving a big hole in the pockets of small investors.

Also, many of the recent IPOs haven’t been doing that great at the bourses either.

Anthony Henriques


Be Omicron-ready

This refers to ‘Preparing for Omicron’ (December 27). The government’s decision to give booster dose to health and frontline workers and first Covaxin dose to children in the 15-18 year age group is a welcome move. But more than a few challenges lie ahead. Sooner the clarity on mixing of doses comes, better it would be for the sake of creating trust and removing fear from the minds of people. The Omicron threat is real and there is no room to consider it any weaker than the Delta variant.

Deeper Centre-State engagement will be required to ensure seamless administration of booster dose along with the first and second doses to all those who are yet to take them. This time round, no one should die for the want of oxygen or lack of medical facilities.

Bal Govind


Legalising MSP

In ‘The pitfalls of legalising farm support prices’ (December 27), the emphasis is on the fact that farmers are prone to sell their produce to middlemen, and not to procurement agencies. Under the prevailing practice, middlemen approach the farmers much before harvest, spread rumours about possible price fluctuations post-harvest, and offer them advance cash payment at a mutually agreed price with logistic support at their doorstep. The small and marginal farmers usually accept this deal, fearing adverse market situation.

One of the possible remedies is to link production to the debts created at the banks, which is seldom possible as the farmers are encouraged by the netas to borrow under the hope of loan waiver. Certainly, legalising farm prices is a gigantic task, which even the farmer leaders are quite aware of.

Rajiv Magal

Halekere Village, Karnataka

Monetary policy tools

This refers to ‘RBI must bring in more liquidity into banking system: Rangarajan’ (December 27). The recent monetary policy announcements have been reassuring, indicating the RBI’s willingness to ensure liquidity in the financial system.

Indian financial markets, including the bond market, are evolving and can depend on internal and external funding to much greater extent than during 1990s when exit by foreign investors could be create instability. Today, India is aware of its strengths and weaknesses and can respond appropriately when the need arises.

One area which still needs guidance from policy analysts and guardians of public interest is main-streaming and management of domestic resources like gold and real estate. Also, the Centre’s attention needs to be drawn to quick rationalisation of the taxation policy.

MG Warrier
