Imperfect, but the best 

Apropos “In defence of the MBA: How B-schools adapt, evolve” (January 31), B-schools are as old as 1881 when Wharton business school was set up. Only the best among them in India have been evolving and are yet imperfect but they continue to be the best.

As article points out what they still lack is their “relevance for practising managers”. The reason seems that the faculty is highly qualified but most of them have no practical experience of working in industry. So they are unable to coach the application of theory to practice.

The same problem arises with the teaching of business ethics. In today’s business scenario corruption within and outside the organisation has become a challenge. Models and concepts taught in B-schools are sound in advice but far away from reality. In puts from managers who successfully faced ethical dilemma should dominate the discussion.

YG Chouksey


This refers to the editorial, "Back to schools" (January 31). India has seen one of the longest school closures in the world in the wake of Covid. Online classes have not been able to replace the experience and quality of teaching in physical classroom. This is adding up to a grave learning crisis. Various research studies show not only clear evidence of learning loss, but an alarming regression in children's foundation abilities. This deficit in learning isn't only limited to primary schools, but is also showing up in higher classes. If this slide in learning is not arrested, the consequences for the young are grim.

All of this leads to an irrefutable conclusion that schools and education departments across the es cannot slip back to the business mode as us crisis demands a radical reorientation of priorities from all the stakeholders. The first step is to acknowledge that the students are re-entering the classroom with diminished skills. Also, the syllabus must be set aside. The task for the schools and teachers must be reset and underlined to help recoup their losses - in order to make sure their learning journey is only interrupted, not derailed. The teacher must be given the freedom to teach students at different levels — within the same classroom. But that is possible only when governments provide the support.

N Sadhasiva Reddy


Nobody in the governments seem to be bothered about how to fill the two year learning deficit of the students. How much importance is given to education can be gauged by the fact that while cinemas, and restaurants are open schools remain closed. Teachers and students are going to find it impossible to continue from where they left off.

It is hard to believe in the NCERT survey which shows much satisfaction with online learning. As usual the poor are worst affected. Given the kind of economic inequality as seen in the surveys, it is very likely that without education for the poor the situation will worsen i

The people also need to be blamed for this sorry state of affairs. Nobody has been demanding for better and more affordable education.

Anthony Henriques


The Crypto conundrum

This refers to “Spring of hope, or winter of despair? (January 31). There are lot of debates on the merits and demerits of cryptos and majority are of the view that it defies logic since the exchange values of fiat currencies like US dollar, Euro etc. are decided by various factors at play including underlying assets.

In a globalised environment they are exposed to price/ exchange risk and these risks could be mitigated by entering into derivative contracts using derivative instruments whose values are derived from underlying assets like stocks, stock indices, bonds, precious metals etc.

With the value of cryptos being volatile impacted by US Fed monetary policy exposing them to a huge downside risk, investors do not have any legally approved instruments like options, futures, swaps, interest rate agreements etc. to insulate their losses since the concept of derivatives are based on underlying assets which cryptos have none. It goes to prove that cryptos are purely speculative in nature. Ah increase in crypto frauds, it is inevitable that the government give deep thoughts before permitting cryptos leave alone bringing laws to regulate them.

Srinivasan Velamur
