Here’s a challenge. Using the five clues below, identify the company that is being talked about here

Send your answers by Wednesday 6 p.m. to, with your full name, postal address and phone number.

A lucky winner in each week will get a book sponsored by UNIFI Capital as a reward.

1 I am a pioneer of my business not just in India but whole of Asia. There were just 9 players globally and I became the 10th, more than a century back.

2 The building I am operating from is named after my longest-serving chairman, one of the tallest when it was built. Recently got a trademark for the building, not a common practice in India.

3 When my Industry got disrupted by technology and regulations, almost all of my peer group had to close down, I managed to survive. Though I lost my leadership, I am still a meaningful player in my industry. 

4 My earnings haven’t grown over the last 10 years and shareholders were disappointed with negative returns for several years since listing. The recent run-up of 6 times since Covid lows has helped me deliver 15 per cent return pa since IPO.

5 One of the subsidiaries I was forced to dilute due to regulatory requirements has gone up 5 times since listing with a higher market capitalisation, 50 per cent more than mine. 

Last week’s winner: Sudhakar Gaonkar

Last week’s answer: PI Industries