This non-bank was recently listed in the bourses, and although its listing was a regular procedure, it invoked a lot of hullabaloo in the market for its promoter backing. One of the oldest bankers, seen as cornerstone of the industry, is leading this non-bank’s board, and with his clout he managed to initially rope in a few good hands from his alma matter. But it has been several months since the venture kickstarted, and unlike other businesses housed by this mega conglomerate, the lending business is yet to take wings in any meaningful manner. This isn’t going down well with the promoters, especially when the outlook and road ahead for financial services business is at its optimistic best. While it hasn’t reached a stage of major disagreements between the newly carved out subsidiary and the mighty parent yet, the parent isn’t willing to wait indefinitely for the lending business to kickstart in full throttle. Will we see some heads roll so that a better team can be put in place and business takes shape quickly?