1 Cycling is healthy, fun, and a low-impact exercise. I try to cycle at least three times a week. When I skip it, my day gets dull and boring. Over the years I’ve realised that being physically active is important for one’s mental and physical well-being.

2 Healthy eating isn’t about cutting food — it’s about eating a wide variety of food in the right amount to give your body what it needs. I have a simple and healthy diet and eat at regular intervals. I am always mindful of what I put on my plate.

3 Waking up with a fresh mind and not cluttering it with social media is important. I start my morning with meditation. I have a set time for social media usage.

4 Morning walks are a part of my routine. Brisk walks in the lap of nature instantly boost the mood. A good 20-30-minute walk keeps me going with more energy and less sleep deprivation.

5 At home, too, I do yoga and other exercises for an hour every day. Virtual classes have added to my fitness regimen.