Minal Srivastava, Vice-President (Marketing), Shalimar Paints

1. Do not over think: Mind controls the body, completely. Before I started on my journey towards a more balanced and healthy living, I had to struggle with my mind and get some semblance of control over it. Though it is perpetually in a WIP (work in progress) state, I feel I have managed to get it a little bit calmer. While life will always be chaotic, I have tried to work on it to control the way I react to the stimulus being thrown at me.

2. Some form of exercise daily: Step two for me has then been to get some form of exercise into my daily routine. However, honestly, it is a challenge to maintain the continuity. Both my son and I love swimming, so summer months are well taken care of since I get to exercise without the mommy-guilt of staying away from the child. Currently, am struggling to find a replacement for swimming. I dabbled with Yoga, Zumba and even dance. Let’s say, I have not managed to form a steady relationship with either.

3. Take frequent breaks: I ensure that I take short breaks with my son. Somehow it always gives me a fresh perspective on whatever I might have been struggling with at that point in time. Holidays with a toddler are not exactly where you can simply sit on the couch and vegetate. So we end up spending a lot of time trekking, or swimming depending on the destination that we pick.

4. Eat frequently: I have spent a major part of my life taking my body for granted and have, in the process, suffered tremendously. Though I have learnt my lesson the hard way, I have learnt it well and now I ensure that I do not skip any meal. I carry mini meals with me at all times. I try and stay dehydrated, especially when I travel.

5. Find time for passion: This has again helped me lead a healthier life. It has taken some time to build up but with time I have managed to invest myself in areas beyond work and home. I realised that I loved to paint. The initial start was extremely frustrating because the control freak in me expected finesse immediately but it has helped me connect with myself and understand myself a little better.