Karan Singh

Managing Director, ACG

Change unhealthy patterns, you feel better inside-out

1 Exercise is irreplaceable and busting myself in the gym or a few hours on the basketball court are my favourite workout routines.

2 But working out alone doesn’t have a lasting impact unless it’s integrated with a balanced diet. I’ve eliminated sugar from my diet and rely on fruits and nuts for an occasional craving. While I eat out a lot due to work and meetings, I cook often as it allows me to unwind and eat healthy at the same time.

3 I am a big advocate and adopter of health supplements. Early on in my career I encountered lifestyle diseases. Integrating these into my daily regime has helped me normalise cholesterol levels, improved my brain health, and memory.

4 I consider a good night’s rest essential for my mind and body to function effortlessly, as I juggle travel, work and home every day.

5 And my fifth mantra is stretching and massage which give me ergonomic strength and relaxation, balancing my workout schedules. Living healthy is a matter of changing unhealthy patterns but the ultimate pay-off is feeling better inside-out.