Raj Das

Global Co-Founder & CEO of Hirect India

No-screen Sundays and cricketing weekends

Morning Exercise I am up by 7:30 am, do some light exercise and take breakfast before heading off to work. I eat a variety of low-calorie healthy foods . Morning exercise helps tremendously in boosting my mood, concentration and happiness, so it’s a great way to start the day.

Reading Staying mentally active is as important as staying physically fit. I read for at least 1 hour every night. Reading helps improve my concentration, allowing for creative thinking, and helps handle stressful situations of everyday life.

Stairs over the elevator Taking the stairs is a good habit to stay trim and fit. I walk up two or three flights of stairs instead of taking the elevator, whenever possible.

Cricketing weekends I am a trained cricketer and have played several tournaments in my college days. It has helped me lead a healthier life and understand myself better.

No-screen Sunday It is crucial to understand how harmful blue lights can be. On Sundays, I always try to put my phone and laptop away, reducing my exposure to blue light.