Greg Moran , Co-Founder & CEO, Zoomcar


1. When it comes to fitness, there is no substitute for healthy eating. Instead of following special diets, I believe everyone should make a choice to simply eat healthy. Despite haywire schedules, I make it a point to start my day with a hearty breakfast comprising fruits and eggs, sometimes muesli or porridge. Throughout the day, I limit the carbs and have a high-protein diet, avoiding sodas and junk.

2. I am a CrossFit enthusiast. In fact, I took up the workout regimen back in 2013. By combining various sports and types of activities, CrossFit revs up my physical and mental endurance, preparing me to take up any form of challenge as an entrepreneur.

3. I love getting more physical activity done in a day through cycling. Ever since a young age, I have found cycling to be a delightful pursuit

4. Mental health cannot and shouldn’t be ignored in the discussion around physical fitness and agility. I take short breaks from work, plan a weekend getaway with someone close, or book a quiet stay to simply unwind and make sense of the progress we have made.

5. Quality of life is essentially determined by the quality of people we surround ourselves with. I have perhaps been lucky to be in the vicinity of such talented and innovative minds at work. I believe shareability is a lifestyle choice. And being open to different ideas, sharing different highs and lows in life with people around us is paramount to living a good quality life.