Priyanka Chaudhary Raina,

Founder, Gracia Raina Foundation

Sleep to heal, repair and rejuvenate

1 I love physical exercises, they are a key to success in life. I do a combination of yoga, Pilates and gym workouts. Though I am fond of  outdoor training, I miss this in India due to the rising air pollution.

2 I start my day with a healthy breakfast, which usually includes almond milk, lots of berries, nuts and egg white. It sets you up with energy for optimal mental and physical performance. Eating breakfast helps maintain stable blood sugar levels and ideal weight because you are less likely to overindulge later in the day.


3 How to manage stress is clearly what most people struggle with. For me, exercise, meditation, doing what you love, spirituality, beingwith nature, and enjoyable hobbies like reading and travelling help alleviate the harmful effects of physical and mental stress.

4 It’s important to have some sort of consistency when to comes to maintaining a healthy and fit lifestyle. So, I don’t make too manychanges at once as I feel I might lapse into old habits. Making these choices a part of your daily life will help you reach your health goals.

5 Sleep is important, though many of us do not get enough. I try my best to maintain my sleep pattern and have sound sleep as it affects physical and mental health tremendously. Lack of sleep adversely affects metabolism, mood, concentration, stress hormones and even the immune system. Sleep allows the body to heal, repair and rejuvenate itself in a way it simply cannot when a person is awake.