Ruchir Modi

(Founder & CEO - Modi Ventures)

1. STRETCHING and YOGA - I have a tight travel schedule and am on long-haul flights, three times a week, therefore I do stretching exercises religiously. Also, I practice Yoga, it not only helps my body to be in shape, it also keeps my mind relaxed, especially after the travel. I am quite particular about exercise during travel

2. TENNIS - Your entire day goes well, if it starts with sports. Sport is my passion and a great way to be fit. I love to play tennis and try to do it regularly.

3. GYM – I hit the gym from time to time for free body exercise. I keep my exercise simple that relaxes my body and mind. Primarily, I do planks, bend -knee crunches, squats and lunges.

4.DIET – I don’t follow any particular diet but keep a check on it. I eat everything, but in moderations that keeps me hale and hearty. I stay away from dairy products, but that is a personal choice.

5.DE-STRESS – My stress buster mantra is getting away for a weekend to a non- stressful environment, switching off from everything and just unwind.