Vikas Chaturvedi

CEO, Xanadu Realty

1. I start my day between 6 and 7 am. My morning involves a cup of tea, solitude, my thoughts and a plan for the day ahead. An hour of yoga — I believe in the power of meditation, and morning is the best time for it.

2. A fit body begets a healthy mind. I am a fitness enthusiast and, prior to the pandemic, I used to gym regularly. Am not a fan of cardio, so I spent 30-45 minutes doing CrossFit and strength-training exercises. But since the pandemic, I started yoga, especially pranayama, along with other exercises. It brings me peace and I find it very therapeutic.

3. I am a natural optimist and always listen to my instinct. In unprecedented times, as a leader, it’s important to stay positive.

4. I am a foodie. I love cooking for my family, spending time with my kids, and keeping a fun atmosphere at home – it helps me relax and unwind. I also love going on long drives.

5. I am passionate about music and listen to all kinds. We have a small band in the office, and jam during weekends. It is really energising!