Business Wire India
  • Delivers Significant Acceleration of NIIT’s Revenue Growth & EBITDA

  • Charts Clear Path to Leadership role in the Digital Learning World  

  • Records Revenue at Rs. 260.4 Cr, up 12% YoY, delivering double-digit growth after 16 quarters
  • EBITDA grows 36% YoY to Rs. 22.2 Cr in Q1 FY 16-17, a substantial increase from Rs. 16.4 Cr EBITDA in Q1 FY15-16
  • Corporate Learning Group delivers 19% YoY revenue growth, while profitability remains steady at 12%
  • Skills & Careers Group accelerates revenue to 7% YoY and EBITDA% to 4% with a 487 bps rise over Q1 FY15-16  
Consolidated Financials at a Glance(in Rs. Cr)Qtr endedJune 30, 2015Qtr endedJune 30, 2016GrowthYoY
,aglobal leader in skills and talent developmentProfit after Tax was recorded at Rs. 7.4 Cr (Vs Rs. 15 Cr for Q1 FY 15-16) primarily on account of impact of exceptional items on profit of associate company.Internal InitiativeExternal InitiativeInternal InitiativeExternal Initiative, Digital ShapersStackRouteDigital InnovatorsDigiNXTDigital DevelopersNIIT.tvDigital WorkersDigital CitizensMr. Rahul Patwardhan,Chief Executive Officer NIIT Limited said, “With a 12% YoY revenue increase in Q1, NIIT is firmly back on the growth path, with a strong focus on leading the industry in each of the business verticals that we are engaged in. We aim to play a leadership role in the Digital Learning World, exploiting the exciting new age Digital Technologies that are impacting every industry and every company; and we will do this by preparing as well as re-training a pool of trained professionals armed with Digital Transformation skills to take up challenging assignments in companies & start-ups across the globe.”Corporate Learning Group (CLG)Mr. Sapnesh Lalla, Group President, Corporate Learning Group, NIIT LimitedCorporate Learning Group has registered a robust growth of 19% YoY backed by two new contract wins and one major contract extension from our existing MTS customers. I am confident about our continued growth trajectory.”Skills and Careers Group (SNC) recordedDigiNXTDigital TransformationDigiNXT‘Java Enterprise Apps with Dev Ops’,MEAN StackGNIIT Digital Transformation (DT)Mr. Prakash Menon, President, Global Skills and Careers Group,“Firmly committed to playing a pioneering role in developing digitally skilled talent for the industry, we have completely transformed our Skills and Careers business. DigiNxt has been very well received by the industry and our students alike, helping us garner a healthy revenue in this quarter and reassuring us that we are on the right track to deliver on the goals we have set for the year.”Digital MarketingNIIT and -Hindustan Unilever Ltd. (HUL),Guiyang Municipal GovernmentGuizhou Professional College of Electronics in Gui'An New DistrictMindChampion Learning Systems Limited (MLSL) Mr. Gavin Dabreo, CEO of MLSL“We see the key need to improve academic outcomes for school going children. As we progress during the year, we shall increasingly focus on this goal with all our products and services. We believe personalised learning is a step in this direction. We shall also soon offer similar products and services online to school going children.”Other highlights:
  • NIIT bagged ASSOCHAM National Brand Summit & Excellence Awards 2016 as the 'Best Innovation Brand' in the Education sector. NIIT has received the coveted award for company's continuous quest to offer path breaking industry-aligned education and training programs
  • NIIT was awarded 2016 CLO LearningElite Gold Award. The annual ranking, lists the organizations that outperform the benchmark standard for implementation of learning and development (L&D) best practices for their workforces.
  • During the quarter, NIIT has been selected as a 2016 Top 20 Training Outsourcing Company for the ninth year by
  • NIIT announced that it has been selected as a 2016 Top 20 Content Development Company for the sixth consecutive year by
  • Department of Information Technology, Government of Meghalaya in association with NIIT felicitated students from across Meghalaya who successfully cleared NIIT's cutting-edge certification programs as part of 'Sponsored IT program of Department of Information Technology, Government of Meghalaya', over the last one year. 
  • The 17th National Scholarship in Nigeria was announced during Q1. For the first time scholarships were offered in futuristic cutting-edge programs in Digital Transformation under digiNxt series.
About NIITNIIT's Corporate Learning Group (CLG)NIIT's Skills and Careers Group (SNC)DigiNxt StackRoute TM , NIIT.tvMindChampion Learning Systems Limited,Photo Caption: