Brand strategy and brand design firm DY Works has reinvented the look and packaging of Amul lassi to attract young Indian customers.

Amul, India’s apex organisation for dairy products, had contracted the company to rebrand the product and redesign its look to attract youth along with the message of health.

It was felt that as a brand that emphasises on its image and marketing, the carton that Amul lassi had been sporting since its launch needed to be revamped to a contemporary pet bottle.

Alpana Parida, President of DY Works said, “The brief was very interesting, and based on our preliminary research we realised that most of the companies in the peer group, whether it was colas or mineral water, had already moved to pet bottles. There was a need to design packaging that was not only up-to-date with current trends but one that capitalised on gaining popularity as a healthy and natural beverage.”

An extensive cross category study of beverages and customer preferences revealed that the biggest strategic challenge was to re-establish the relevance of lassi in a modern context where alternative beverages such as colas and juices dominated. The design objective was to put lassi in the modern, contemporary space with the product’s unique selling point of health coming in as a supporting factor.

The brand company decided to cash in on the idea of ‘cool’ manifested through a youthful and vibrant splash of colours. R. S. Sodhi, Managing Director, GCMMF said, “The strategy to rebrand Amul Kool Lassee to Amul Lassi and redesign the look to attract youth along with the message of health has really paid well in the market. There is a rising demand for lassi in the new pack design, which has helped us increase penetration by 50 per cent in the market.”