India Home Health Care, which brings geriatric healthcare into homes, is expanding its operations into Hyderabad and Pune.

At present, it has operations in Chennai and Bangalore.

The Chennai-based company, which attracted foreign investment from US-based Bayada Home Health Care in October last year, has also introduced a new package for physically challenged children.

Speaking to reporters here, V Thiyagarajan, Founder and Director, says the company has garnered 4,000 clients since its inception in 2009, and 300 clients are serviced at any given time. Besidestaking care of the elderly with ailments, the company treats those with neurological disorders, orthopaedic diseases and cancer.

Mobile application

It has also launched a mobile application for nurses to collate the patient’s health data for maintaining a disease profile of clients. Ravi Kannan K R, co-founder of Kno Bay, which provided the mobile platform, says caretakers can send data through a private cloud date centre without the need for Internet connectivity.

J Mark Baiada, founder of Bayada Home Health Care, says the market for home health in the US, which is estimates at $50 billion, lies largely untapped. He said the company, besides infusing funds for IHHC’s expansion over the next six months, will also assist in training and adopting advanced management practices. Bayada took a 26 per cent stake in IHHC last year.