Coffee producer and exporter from Coorg SLN Coffee Pvt Ltd entered the instant coffee market with its own brand Levista.

Levista will be launched in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, which are the major coffee-consuming States in the country. The product released in three variants – classic, premium and strong – will be available in Chennai, Bengaluru and 20 major tier-II cities in both the States. They will be available in modern retail and kirana stores.

N Sathappan, Managing Director, said instant coffee market accounts for about ₹2,100 crore and around 21,000 tonnes is consumed annually. It is growing at 10-11 per cent every year.

Sathappan said the company has been in the instant coffee business, where it exports different blends for major brands, for 10 years. The company also produces and exports green coffee to over 30 countries. “With this experience we know what customers want and are confident about the products,” he added. The company has invested close to ₹10 crore in the instant coffee brand.

A coffee experience centre too, is coming up in Coorg at an investment of ₹1.5 crore, which will also sell Levista brand of instant coffee.