Kolkata-based elder care start-up, Tribeca Care Pvt Ltd, is on an expansion mode.

Set up by five successful NRI professionals, Tribeca has set its processes right over the last one year. The plan is now to spread out operations in 10 cities over the next 18 months.

“We have just opened shop in Delhi with limited offerings. Plans are afoot to expand Delhi operations and spread into Pune and Hyderabad in the first phase,” says Prateep Sen, Founder and joint Managing Director.

The company is currently in negotiation with venture capital funds for raising nearly $10 million to finance their expansion plans.

A former investment banker, Sen had quit his high-paying job in London to look after the ailing mother in Kolkata.

Business model

Aimed at creating a complete ecosystem for taking care of the elderly, the start-up has a wide range of offerings starting from emergency care services – that ensures immediate hospitalisation of a patient in case of any medical urgency on a 24X 7 basis – to high-value umbrella service that ensures daily follow up of clients.

“The difference between an Ayah centre run by the unorganised sector and organised players such as ourselves is availability of a platform with adequate technology support,” Sen says.

For example, the company offers the most vulnerable clients with an emergency kit that may be worn like a wrist watch or a pendant. A press of the emergency button triggers a series of actions from Tribeca.

With the clients’ location already mapped through GPS, the control room will immediately requisition for an ambulance from the nearest source. Meanwhile, a company attendant will head for the patient’s residence for assistance. He will be in charge of hospitalising the patient. Tribeca has already tied up with all major hospitals to ensure no refusal.

But this is just a fraction of company’s offerings. A far more important task is to take care of the ailing on a regular basis, says Sen. The company offers an entire range of equipment and medicines necessary for critical care. Daily reports are uploaded on an online platform accessible to patients’ relatives and Tribeca’s empanelled doctors.

In case a patient’s condition worsens, the empanelled doctors immediately suggest necessary action to the relatives.

“Technology and skilled human resources are the backbone of our operations,” he says.